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发布时间:2021-06-07 11:32:35


Lec 1 Advanced OS Overview
        1. Course Overview
        2. Course Scheduling
        3. Rethink OS Components
        4. Tendency of OS -- Performance
        5. Tendency of OS -- Reliability

        6. Tendency of OS -- Correctness

        7. Summary
Lec 2 OS Architecture
        1. History of OS Architecture -- THE
        2. Monolithic Kernel -- UNIX
        3. Micro Kernel -- L4
        4. ExoKernel
        5. Extensible Kernel
        6. Summary
Lec 3+4 System Virtualization Overview
        1. Introduction
        2. Traditional Virtualization Challenges
        3. Virtualization Technologies -CPU
        4. Virtualization Technologies -Mmeory
        5. Virtualization Technologies -I/O
        6. Some VMMs
        7. Summary
Lec 5+6 OS/System API/Interface
        1. Introduction
        2. Rethinking the Library OS from the Top Down
        3. DPDK: Accelerating the I/O Path
        4. Dune: Safe User-level Access to Privileged CPU Features
        5. Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
        6. Summary
Lec 7+8 OS for MultiCore Architecture
        1. Introduction
        2. How to analyze the OS bottleneck for multicore arch
        3. How to optimize the OS for multicore arch
        4. Optimizing the OS performance from MIT's research
        5. Scalable Kernel TCP Design and Implementation for Short-Lived Connections
        6. Summary
Lec 9+10 OS/System Security
        1. Introduction
        2. Improving Integer Security for Systems with KINT
        3. PF-Miner: A new paired functions mining method for Android kernel in error paths
        4. RID: Finding Reference Count Bugs with Inconsistent Path Pair Checking
        5. Summary
Lec 11+12 Correctness: OS/System Verification
        1. Introduction
        2. seL4: Formal Verification of an OS Kernel
        3. Jitk: A trustworthy in-kernel interpreter infrastructure
        4. Hyperkernel: Push-Button Verification of an OS Kernel
        5. Summary
Lec 13+14 OS Kernel and HLL
        1. Introduction
        2. Multiprogramming a 64 kB Computer Safely and Efficiently
        3. The benefits and costs of writing a POSIX kernel in a high-level language
        4. Summary
Lec 15+16 Invited Talks From Visitors & Students
       1. High-Performance Network Optimization on Data Center
       2. Security OS Design for  Multi-tenancy
       3. OS Performance Optimization for Serverless Service